How to stay productive and maintain healthy routines while remote working

What is Deep Work?

Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It’s a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time.


1) Invite nature and schedule exercise

Make sure to get fresh air, move and exercise. Schedule short breaks for walks or workout's. It doesn't have to be a long session, try using the 7-minute workout app if you want something quick and effective.

2) Learn how to practice Deep Work

Although there is much to read and learn in this field, a simple strategy for deep work might help you while remote working. Here are some example's of strategies from Cal Newport's book:

Choose a strategy for Deep Work

Different Deep Work strategies

3) Remove distractions

Make focus your default mode

As a general rule, try to create a distraction free environment to focus and get more meaningful work done. Rather than switching between work and distraction, try scheduling in your internet time.

Add the pressure of time

One strategy that's useful is adding the pressure of time to tasks at hand. Use a timer, or tell Astrid how long you intent to work on the current task, and experience the power of adding constraints to seemingly big and abstract tasks.

Make space for deep thinking

Bill Gates is famous for his thinking weeks. If you're not able to take a full week off and go to your cabin, at least try having 2-3 hours a week to deep dive into something challenging. Also, allow boredom into your life. It's fascinating how creative we can be when we are bored.

Eliminate digital distractions

Working from home can be challenging out of many reasons. One is for sure being alone, and this might spark bad habits of roaming around on useless websites for too long. First off, choose your digital toolset wisely. Secondly, try staying away from social media during the focus time (deep work). As a matter of fact, Astrid will help you remove distractions by noticing when you are entering focus mode, and snoozing all notifications for later.

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